Get Immediate Access to Online “How to” Business Videos
that Will Show You How to Create a Marketing Plan,
Advertise Your Business Profitably,
and Attract Customers Using
Little-Known but Powerful Marketing Strategies!
Also included free is my newest recorded workshop, “Cash Flow Multiplier” (over 4 hours of pure marketing tips, tricks and strategies) and brand new, updated 30 videos of WordPress tutorials.
We’re constantly adding “How to” business videos, instructional audios, eBooks, and special hard-to-find resources you can’t get elsewhere. Most of these “how-to” business videos are recordings of live workshops and webinars we host throughout the year. When you register at BusinessU, you’ll get immediate access to a wealth of courses as well as future “How-To” business videos we record and add to the members-only section of BusinessU. The best part is that you’re going to register as soon as you see how low tuition is to register today.
Here’s a partial listing of what’s inside right now:
How to Create Your Marketing xFactor
This how-to business video set will help you prepare and implement the most complete marketing plan you’ve ever created. It’s designed to immediately increase your company’s revenue.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Video 5
Video 6
Video 7
Video 8
Video 9
Video 10
Video 11
Video 12
Video 13
How To Attract Customers Using the Internet
These 10 online marketing business videos will show you everything you need to know about natural search engine standings, and ranking your web site high on the search engines. You’ll discover three key strategies:
Strategy number one:
- Attracting Customers With SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- You will discover how to rank on the first page of Google.
- I’ll show you how I did it for myself and clients, then I’ll show you how you can do it too.
- You’ll discover the 7 key factors to optimizing your web site and the one major thing you should never do to avoid getting banned from Google. You may already be doing it, and it’s keeping you from reaching the top.
Strategy number two:
- Creating An Effective and Profitable PPC Campaign. (Pay Per Click)
- If you want customers faster than the speed of money, you’ll need to create a PPC campaign that works. You’ll see how I’ve been using it for local business owners, and the results you are capable of achieving.
- If you’ve tried PPC on your own, and failed, this section will reveal the simple way to make it work. It’s not your fault that it didn’t work for you, and I’ll show you why.
Strategy number three:
- Attracting Customers with Social Media
- Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn, Twitter, hvBiz and now Pinterest and Google Plus?
- What else is new in social media and how should you use these sites to create, convert and keep customers.
- You’ll be shocked to hear what I have to say about social media as a whole, and how you NEED to implement it within your business.
- Social Media is here to stay and you need to know how to make it work for you – without wasting your time.
How to Make a Web Site
Whether you’re hiring a web designer, or designing a web site yourself, you’ll need to be aware of the fundamentals and secret strategies you need to implement before starting your project. These online marketing business videos will show you:
- What you need to know before starting your design
- Tools needed for succeeding online
- Advanced tools for working online
- Types of web sites that keep visitors coming back
- What goes into a web site
- Free and low cost resources
How to Create a Web Site or Blog Using WordPress
Don’t worry about hiring a designer to create your web site. Now you can do it yourself, or get one of your employees to watch these online marketing business videos and implement what they learn.
Think and Grow Rich Audios
This is the original version of the best business book ever written, as it was written in it’s first publication many, many years ago. The message is as powerful now, as it was in the early 1900’s. You get 15 audios you can download or listen to right on this web site. This is the table of contents:
In order to get full access to BusinessU and all of the upcoming “How-to” business videos, you must register now.
What’s coming up at BusinessU
- How to meet your income goals
- How to automate customer retention
- How to easily implement advanced customer attraction strategies
- Easy ways to ensure that payroll is met each and every time
- How to keep your company’s name on people’s mind every day, so that they can buy from you instead of your competition
- Decreasing customer attrition
- Latest trend in customer attraction technologies
- What never to do when your business slows down
- Business success stories and how you can use it to grow your business
Joining BusinessU will ensure that you’re always on top of the latest ways to attract more customers faster, easier, cheaper and better than ever.
Try it for only $7 for the first 7 days.
You can cancel, or pay only $27/mo when you decide to stay.
You see the value in this offer, so simply click on the “Get Instant Access” link below and register now, before the price increases. As you can see, this information is worth thousands of dollars, and you’re getting it for a tiny fraction of that amount. It’s definitely less than enrolling in a prestigious University.
Clicking on the “Get Instant Access” button below is the only way to get access to this information at this special low tuition.
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This means that you can get access to all this powerful information at my risk.
Fair enough?
You really need to invest in this great business resource. It’s easy to get started. Simply click the order link above. Get ready to get access to these online marketing business video course in order to exponentially grow your business.