This Internet Marketing Home Study Video Course
Will Show You How to Attract, Convert and Keep More Customers
Using the Internet (SEO, PPC and Social Media)
My name is Edison Guzman, and I’d like to show you how to attract, convert and keep more customers using 3 specific strategies on the Internet.
So much keeps changing about business, that you need to keep on top of the internet marketing strategies that work. What worked just 6 months ago, may no longer work and there are so many strategies to chose from, many business owners spin their wheels trying them all.
For this reason, I have created a video course that will focus on three major strategies you can implement and start profiting from immediately after watching the videos.
This video course will concentrate on 3 core internet marketing strategies designed to attract, convert and keep more customers. There is no fluff here. You’ll get proof that the strategies work, and most importantly, you’ll get each strategy broken down step by step.
This will make it easy for you to start the implementation process so that you will automate your prospecting and increase cash flow.
These are the three strategies you will master after watching the videos immediately online:
Strategy number one:
Attracting Customers With SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
You will discover how to rank on the first page of Google. I’ll show you how I did it for myself and clients, then I’ll show you how you can do it too. You’ll discover the 7 key factors to optimizing your web site and the one major thing you should never do to avoid getting banned from Google. You may already be doing it, and it’s keeping you from reaching the top.
Strategy number two:
Creating An Effective and Profitable PPC Campaign. (Pay Per Click)
If you want customers faster than the speed of money, you’ll need to create a PPC campaign that works. You’ll see how I’ve been using it for local business owners, and the results you are capable of achieving. If you’ve tried PPC on your own, and failed, this section will reveal the simple way to make it work. It’s not your fault that it didn’t work for you, and I’ll show you why.
Strategy number three:
Attracting Customers with Social Media
Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn, Twitter, hvBiz and now Pinterest and Google Plus? What else is new in social media and
how should you use these sites to create, convert and keep customers. You’ll be shocked to hear what I have to say about social media as a whole, and how you NEED to implement it within your business. Social Media is here to stay and you need to know how to make it work for you – without wasting your time.
Since social media is such an important topic for your business, I brought in the big gun.
Introducing Kerry Donovan of Donovan Media Strategies. He’s been called a non-stop idea machine, a veteran media strategist, and Dr. John D’Ambrosio President of the Orange County Chamber of Commerce said Kerry’s work generates new excitement and energy in their organization.
As President of Donovan Media and Internet Marketing Strategies Kerry guides the social media function for the Orange Chamber and a diverse client base in New York’s Hudson Valley. Prior to establishing his own firm, he spent nearly two decades leading broadcast news organizations, integrating emerging internet technologies with traditional television and radio news operations.
In addition to his consulting and internet marketing background Kerry remains active in television as a regular contributor and host for Cablevision’s Optimum Local Hudson Valley.
Imagine yourself attracting more customers almost on cruise control. That’s how it feels when you watch the videos and master these strategies. The best part is that you can get immediate access and get access to this powerful information right now.
WARNING: You must be willing to open your mind to new ways of attracting more customers using the Internet. You don’t have to be a “techie” to grasp these easy, yet powerful concepts. If you know how to visit your favorite web sites on the Internet, then you’ll know how to implement these strategies and grow your business.
These videos were produced by video recording my live workshop at the Orange County Chamber of Commerce Business Resource Center.
This is the perfect live Internet Marketing Workshop for you if you are a small business owner, a member of a not-for-profit organization, a marketing specialist within a large corporation, an independent sales agent, or if you simply want to learn how to use the Internet to attract, convert and keep more customers using SEO, PPC and Social Media.
Join us and get instant access to the entire workshop caught on video, right on this web site.
Your satisfaction is my number one concern. Therefore, I guarantee that you will love these videos. If you are not 100% satisfied, simply ask for a refund, and I will gladly refund your investment in full.
The Internet Marketing Workshop was caught on video and you will get immediate access so that you can watch it on-line. This means that you don’t have to wait in the mail, or pay for shipping. You are saving time and money.
Join now while you’re on this page.
I’ll see you inside.